Support Gardeners Out East (GOE) via Amazon Smile has partnered with various 501(c)(3) organizations so that donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation can be made to a charity selected by you when shopping on, at no additional cost to you. Gardeners Out East is now listed as a charity you can choose. Simply go to, choose Gardeners Out East as your charity before you shop, then shop as you'd normally do. You're on the correct website when you look in the upper left hand corner of the Amazon page and instead of “amazon” you see “amazonsmile.”
Amazon will remember your selection so that every eligible purchase you make will result in a subsequent donation to Gardeners Out East.
You’ll find the same prices and selection when you shop at as on; the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to FFGC from products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation.” The purchase price is the amount paid for the item minus any rebates and excluding shipping & handling, gift-wrapping fees, taxes, or service charges.
Thank you for supporting GOE.
Amazon will remember your selection so that every eligible purchase you make will result in a subsequent donation to Gardeners Out East.
You’ll find the same prices and selection when you shop at as on; the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to FFGC from products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation.” The purchase price is the amount paid for the item minus any rebates and excluding shipping & handling, gift-wrapping fees, taxes, or service charges.
Thank you for supporting GOE.